Saturday, September 27, 2014

My Bai is Zabardast

During our discussion in office I thought why not to ask my bai to write a letter to my boss.
The discussion was about what percentage increment will happen this year and whether it will be sufficient to give the increment to the bai(s). The bai(s) always ask for the fixed increment whether there is positive or negative variance, their demands have to be met as somehow they know they are indispensible. My view, if it so directly proportional they should also have their KRA and appraisal process, they can also accompany us in our appraisal. Now since this is middle of the year I thought I will ask my bai to write a letter to my boss to give some emotional touch. Here she goes ….
खर तर  मी हे मराठी मध्ये  लिहिणार होते पण उगाच भाषा विवाद होईल आणि विषय बदलेल म्हणून हिंदी मध्ये लिहिते
हमारे दादा बहुत अच्छे है, समय पर पगार देते है, month end पर छुट्टी भी देते हैं और कभी भी पगार में कटौती नहीं करते हैं, कुछ ज्यादा बोलते भी नहीं है पर मैं जानती हूँ वह अपनी net salary को लेकर बहुत परेशान रहते है, मुझे तो समझ नहीं आता आप लोग जाली लगा कर salary क्यों देते हो, आने दो ना पूरी
एक दिन कुछ हफ्ते हफ्ते बड़बड़ा रहे थे तोह मैंने पूछ लया की दादा आप तो समय से दफ्तर जाते हो और कभी भी समय से नहीं आते फिर भी कटौती क्यों होती है तो बोले की tax भरना पड़ता है, फिर बोले की तुम नहीं समझोगी कभी return भरोगी तब पता पड़ेगा, return सुन कर मुझे लगा कुछ पगार में कटौती की बोल रहे है इसलिए चुप हो गयी
मुझे जब भी वह terrace साफ़ करने के लिए कहते हैं, main मैं कह देती हूँ की कल करुँगी पर मुझे पता है की आप जब भी कोई काम देते है वह उसी दिन ख़त्म करके आते हैं
मैं तो सिर्फ इतना कहना चाहती हूँ की इस बार उनकी पगार ज़बरदस्त बढ़ा दीजिये और उनको बताने से पहले मुझे बता दीजियेगा, क्यूंकि मैं उनसे उसी हिसाब से negotiate कर लुंगी
अंत में शहरयार साब की दो लाइन पेश करुँगी
दिल cheese क्या है आप मेरी जान लीजिये, बस एक बार मेरा कहा मान लीजिये
आपकी सौ आशा
(name changed on request)

दादा कोई correction हो तो DC Query डाल देना, मैं लगेच respond कर दूंगी

Sunday, April 20, 2014

alignment...cue from microsoft word

(Left aligned) So often I use Microsoft word for professional purpose but I never thought it can give an acute personal advice.
(Right Aligned) One day while doing final touch-ups to a write-up I was not getting what I wanted so while reading text by placing the pointer on every button, I read about alignment.
(Center Aligned) Technically alignment is proper adjustment for coordinated functioning.
(Justified) Of the four options, there is Justify which means Align text to both the left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary. This creates a clean look along the left and right side along the page.
So easy it is I thought, and I make things complicated unnecessarily. The alignment of the life has to be justified, apparently the different meanings of justify are not apt to my thought, so I will stick to the Microsoft Word definition.

Just try to strike equal balance between all the heads and tails of the coin of life and the in return the life will be just to you. Add personal space, apply brakes and take required breaks to maintain average speed of your life. This in turn will give you a clean life, full of peace and happiness.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

बस आपही की आँखों के लिए

ये जिंदगी बस युंहि गुजर जाती
अगर आपकी आखों में थोडीसी जगह मिल जाती
युंह तो जिंदगी जीने के हजार बहाने मिल जाते
पर खुश रहने कि एक वजह मिल जाती

इस मुल्क में दो झीलें हैं, पानी बहुत साफ है, रंग नीला है,
नीला तो आसमान होता है, और इसी में तो मेरा जहiन मुकम्मल होता है

युंह तो वक़्त भी वक़्त के लिए नही ठहरता,
अभी कल ही मिले थे हम, आज बरसो हो गये
तुम्हारी आखों में खुद वक़्त भी अपनी राह भटक जाता है,
बुलंद है मेरी तक़दीर कि मेरा वक़्त मुझे यहिं मिल जाता है

सात समुन्दरों की मस्ती है इन आंखों में,
एक मैं ही हुँ दिवाना हजारों मस्तानों में
इस समुद्र की गहराई मापने के लिए डूब गया एक बार
तबसे बस तैर ही रहा हुँ उन जज़ीरों के अफसानों में

मुस्कानें झूठी हो सकती हैं, पर सच बोलती है ये आंखें
दिल की धड़कन को बढ़ा कर, दिवाना बना देती है ये आंखें,
युंह तो आवारा बादल भी चांद के इश्क का भी मोहताज नही होता,

पर उसी आवारा बादल में प्यार का ईमान जगा देती ये आंखें 

Friday, March 14, 2014

That-Kitchen : The Curious Case of the Nightly Aroma

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the character is purely coincidental and unintentional.

The Curious Case of the Nightly Aroma

My nightly routine used to be simple: dinner in front of the TV from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm, with Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. Though not my favorite show, it’s a light escape from the usual family dramas. As a self-confessed foodie and an occasional cook with a “spice sense,” I usually enjoy my meal more than the TV. But lately, even my comfort show wasn’t cutting it, and I began to get restless. So, I decided to start a post-dinner night walk.

A Scented Discovery


One evening, during my nightly walk, I caught the aroma of something wonderful wafting from a kitchen on the first floor of the building opposite. There was a strange regularity to it: lights on at 8:30, the familiar whistle of a pressure cooker at 8:40—like a ritual. My quick stroll turned into a 30-minute “soap opera” as I imagined the culinary artistry happening behind those walls.

Aromatic Episodes


Over the days, I experienced a full array of aromas that tickled my curiosity. Rajma one night, then egg curry the next. My chapati count always increases with rajma, and that familiar fragrance lingered with me for hours. One evening, the unmistakable scent of Punjabi spices sparked an urge to investigate further. A look at the society board hinted at the cook’s identity: “Bhalla.” A lead, perhaps, but I needed more proof! The last week of the month deprived me of the post dinner walk, but my inquisitiveness for the person behind the spicy aromas was still alive. It goes in tandem with  “पेट भर गया पर मन नही भरा”


The Final Episode


After days of mouthwatering fragrances, I couldn’t resist anymore. On Sunday, I finally decided to confront my curiosity head-on and ring the doorbell of the aromatic kitchen. My heart raced as I imagined the skilled chef behind these flavors. I rang the bell, and after a pause, rang again. The door opened to…an uncle, around 45, in a worn-out pajama, with a questionable vest color and a balding head, holding a skimmer in one hand. My fragrant fantasy came crashing down!


#TheAromaChronicles #NightlyWalks #FoodieAdventures #CookingMystery #RajmaLove #SpiceDetective #NeighborsWeNeverMeet #CuriosityUnleashed #UnexpectedReveals #PunjabiFlavors


Sunday, February 2, 2014

इस एक महीने का लेखा जोखा

इस बितॆ हुए महीने का लेखा जोखा किया तो समझ नहीं आय़ा
कि यह बिता हुआ महीना आपकी यादों के सहारे इतनी जल्दी कैसे गुजर गया
यॅु तो हर पल एक महीने के बराबर होता है
पर लमहो का गणित ना बने तो नासमझ को भी भला कभी अफसोस होता है
यादें हमारी ही थी लेकिन ख़याल सिर्फ आपका ही था
तसल्लि सिर्फ इसी बात की थी कि खयालो मे ही सही पर मै आपको जानता तो था
यॅु मै तो नासमझ ही ठीक था, जानने - पहचानने मे र्फक नहीं करता था
पर अब मै गणित समझ गया हुं, ख़याल अभी भी आपके ही है, बस ख्वाब खुद के बुनता हुं

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

There should be no उम्र for this लालच

It may sound a very derogative statement but that is the way it has to be.
I always crave for lot of things but cravings for fitness doesn’t come naturally for me. So thanks to my colleagues Pushp and Kartik for this inspiration.
They recently completed Mumbai Half Marathon in 2 hours, the inspiring point, this is their first marathon and the training time was less than 3 months.
The dream was seen in last year dream run only,
So those who don’t sleep properly, sleep and dream, it will come true in a year only, once dreamt you only need to be determined (you can buy determination from these two people).
Both Pushp and Kartik were very definite and distinct in their version of the preparation.
Definite as they were determined to do it, so determined that they even ignored a few drinks.
Distinct comes from their profile may be, version Pushp was very credit oriented, divulging required information only, sharing specifics and maintaining the stand that it is not a big deal.
The focus should be more on regimen, scheduling, timing etc.
Version Kartik was branded one involving things like how do you feel running in cold early morning wearing a t shirt and short, how to prepare the mind. It is all a mind game.
How do you feel running with horses on race course track.
Beside this, we also have one super hero Deven in our branch, who has also completed 3 half marathons in last 1 year.
Well, all in all the entire discussion was very afflatus and am sure there will be one more participant next year.
We can form a House of Dedicated about Fitness Companions. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

She is still profound in me

Your last nudge killed a lot in me …
                                                including U …
                                                     my first and last incorrect perception

            I used to feel it and lived it for years under the false roof of my well treasured understanding, that you are not any more in me but the gullible me, thinking something and feeling something else.
Then I was a minor for life’s original spin-offs. But in my bewilderment I flowered the deepest you in me. I was ignorant of the slow process of poison creation, the poison which gives life and takes away the living from you.
            My several attempts or rather several unsuccessful attempts of living that life without you, were making that living arduous without you. This is unfair, life given by you can’t be lived with you and life given by you can’t be given up as it is given by you.
            When I became major and thought of living somebody else’s life, I failed as so poor actor I am, even before others caught me I caught myself for being so unnatural. By now you were so in depth in me that the depth of my life was you.  
            You were in all the three tenses for me, the only moment you were not in me was the moment in between two seconds.
            The only way to be alive now is to live like you, maybe someday you will get tired of yourself, will leave me and then we will live together.